

Argent wanted a floating tabletop for his magic act, it needed to be portable and to magically appear and dissapear in under a second.

gravdisc-dark2He created the anti-gravitational disc using high-def programmable matter MEMS that assume a pre-programmed shape, and infused them with threads of TGA dark-gravity technology.

argent_tabletop_magicgravdisc-stowIn it’s deployed state the dark-gravity threads are stretched into a specific intersecting concentric ring pattern that sets up a moiré resistance loop, creating an outsized return in performance.

A specific tap to it’s center triggers the MEMS to deassemble and retract into a base unit the size of a small folded hand fan, which he could then palm, pass or pocket.

He very quickly adapted it, adding gravitational propulsion patterns, multi-band illumination and a few other capabilities, it’s now his favorite form of locomotion about the expansive Glenlab complex.argent_portrait_gravdisc_03