Panel Artwork Development

Many of our larger panels or full pages are developed like animation cells, where the character or characters (Cast), are created separately from the backgrounds (Sets). This allows maximum flexibility for composing panels to accommodate word balloons, and in some instances, allows for background sets to be reused in later panels. It’s also facilitates bringing elements into Aftereffects for animation.

Backgrounds are always an issue in the comic panel format. Since word balloons cover key bits of real estate, the tendancy is to make backgrounds simple and have the barest sense of local, or have no background at all. Backgrounds can add a lot to the atmosphere and also help the reader keep track of the action. The decision to leave them out or not, gets down to a production decision many times. It’s a balancing act. Below are a few animations that show the development of indivual panels.



The art development process for a panel featuring Mrs. Thorne on recon, taken from our June release of Chapter 4. The animation shows line art with gray tones that sets the desired lighting for the shot.


Shown the animation above, the development of the character drawing, composited over a background set that is mostly finished and that already has its final color applied. Also shown; character line art in development, the application of flat color, and then the final paint, which in this case includes a hue adjustment ramp applied to the whole page for a more monochromatic look. Lyn Byrd also tweepsthe likenesses of the main characters at the final stage, and makes every one look their best with ”hair and makeup”.


Art process for a panel featuring Mrs. Thorne on recon, taken from chapter 3. Shown in an animated gif; poser reference, line art with gray tones that set the lighting, and then final color and paint.


Art process for a panel featuring Argent Starr, taken from our June release of chapter 4. Shown in an animated gif; first concept, rough sketch, and final paint #argentstar #scifi #comicbooks #comics #webcomics #makingcomics


Art process for a panel featuring BoB Sixtwo, taken from our August release of chapter 5. Shown in an animation, line art, flat color, and final paint